
Welcome, I’m so pleased you’re here! I’d like to share a bit more about my yoga journey with you…

I was first introduced to yoga in 1998 and have practiced many different styles of yoga since. I combine dynamic yoga sequences with strength building postures to create a balanced practice. My classes include breathing, relaxation and concentration techniques, so that students may gain a deeper awareness of how their breath, body and mind are connected.

I completed my teacher training diploma with the British Wheel of Yoga in 2009 and continue to enjoy attending training courses with a variety of distinguished teachers. I also gained qualifications to teach Yoga to people living with or recovering from cancer, Yoga Nidra (relaxation) Yoga Detour Method, Yoga for Kids and Hanna Somatics.

In 2010 I joined The Yoga Rooms as a director and I co-run this successful independent studio in Chorlton. The inclusive schedule of classes at The Yoga Rooms reflect my belief that yoga should be for everybody and can meet the needs of a diverse community.

Yoga helps to make me more happy and less stressed – I hope you learn to love it as much as I do!